Equine Liberty Learning

Muscle memory plays an important role when teaching owners to work with their horses.

Let's face it there is a lot going on when we are working our horses and it's easy to forget to pay attention to what's happening in all parts of our bodies, including our thinking and breathing. For those of you that have been around horses a long time it's even harder to change that muscle memory.
How many times have you watched a lesson to see an instructor tell the student the same thing over and over, again and again!! 
The student is not intellectually challenged or deaf !!! and has heard and understood perfectly, and for the next few minutes adjusts what they are doing because that's all they are focusing on. So the lesson continues and within seconds of the student concentrating on a new request, the change has been forgotton, and the old muscle memory (with the old habit) kicks in.
We can do lots to help our brains replace the old habit with a new one.
Thinking visually how it should look: gymnasts often use a visualisation process whereby they see the move they are about to make just before they attempt it, breaking it down step by step as a series of precise movements imagining they are physically doing it.
Praticing the new position/way of moving without your horse:  pay atention to how each part of your body is affected by the movement of other parts. Focus on one area until it's second nature. A mirror or window reflection works well but don't let the neighbours catch you!!!!!!
This may seem mundane but is very much YOUR ground work to better horsmanship. 
5/7/2010 05:32:08 pm

you put it very nicely - i look forward to learning more...how about teaching on line?

5/8/2010 07:26:50 pm

Hi Sara,
Everything you know about on-line work can be adapted with E.L.L.
Unlike other methods/training, the pressure does not get increased. If the horse is not responding the way we would like, then the task is broken down into little baby steps that the horse can understand and of course he gets rewarded for every try in the right direction. This takes the dominance and frustration away and training problems become learning opportunities!
It's so much fun finding the answers together.....


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